Current Research

SCAD Study

This project is supported by a National Heart Foundation Vanguard Grant, and supporters of the Australian Centre for Heart Health

Identifying and addressing the unique stresses and support needs of Australian Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection survivors.

Cardiac Emotions Study

Funded by the Angela Anita Reid bequest and other supporters of the ACHH

Part 1: A comprehensive investigation of the stresses and concerns experienced by cardiac patients after a cardiac event

Part 2: The Cardiac Distress Study: Development of the Cardiac Distress Inventory (CDI) and CDI- Short Form (CDI-SF) to identify and assess cardiac distress in clinical practice

Part 3: The Cardiac Distress Study: Translation and validation of the Cardiac Distress Inventory (CDI)

Part 4: The Fear-CHD study: Fear of Recurrence and Progression in coronary heart disease.


Sleep Research in Cardiac Patients

These projects were funded by supporters of the Australian Centre for Heart Health.

This section of our research identifies the importance of understanding the impact of sleep disorders on cardiac conditions within cardiac rehabilitation practice and settings. It also addresses the barriers to screening and management of sleep disorders in cardiac rehabilitation settings.


The Mind CVD Study

This is a joint project of the Heart Foundation, Stroke Foundation and ACHH, funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.

ACHH’s role in this project is to undertake a review of prevalence, predictors, screening, interventions and outcomes of anxiety and depression in cardiac and stroke patients. We have also undertaken a Scoping Review of services available and also will be involved in training health professionals around provision of psychosocial support for CVD patients.


Jackson AC, Rogerson MC, Murphy BM. An integrated perspective for understanding the psychosocial impact of acute cardiovascular events: A scoping review. Heart Mind 2023;7:137-47.


Back on Track Project

Trial on an online self-management program to support cardiac patient's’ emotional and behavioural recovery

Funded by the HCF Research Foundation


Rogerson MC, Jackson AC, Navaratnam HS, Le Grande MR, Higgins RO, Clarke J, Murphy BM. Behavioural and psychological telehealth support for people with cardiac conditions: Randomized trial of the ‘Back on Track’ self-management programme, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2023.

Higgins RO, Rogerson M, Murphy BM, Navaratnam H, Butler MV, Barker L, Turner A, Leftkovits J, Jackson AC. Pilot of online cardiac rehabilitation: extending content and reach of cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2017;32(1):7-13.

Higgins RO, Murphy BM, Navaratnam H, Jackson AC.  Extending cardiac rehabilitation: a telephone self-regulation pilot. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 2017; 12(8): 398-406.


Beating Heart Problems Follow-Up Study

Investigating 14-year survival after participation in the Beating Heart Problems group-based CBT program

Funded by supporters of the Australian Centre for Heart Health


Murphy, B. M., Navaratnam, H. S., Le Grande, M. R., Higgins, R. O., Rogerson, M. C., Elliott, P., Worcester, M. U., & Jackson, A. C. (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy enhances survival in cardiac patients aged under 60. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 43(3), 170–178.


The Congenital Heart Disease Parent Stress and Resilience Study

Funded by HeartKids Australia and supporters of the ACHH

Part 1: Development and piloting of the Congenital Heart Disease Family Resilience Program

Part 2: Development of the Parent Distress Questionnaire for Congenital Heart Disease (PDQ-CHD)


Jackson AC., Frydenberg, E., Liang, R. P-T., Higgins, R.O., Murphy, B.M. (2015). Familial coping with child heart disease: A systematic review. Pediatric Cardiology, 36,4, 695-712. DOI: 10.1007/s00246-015-1121-9

Jackson AC, Frydenberg E, Liang R P-T, Higgins RO, Murphy BM (2016). Parental coping programs for special needs children: A systematic review, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25, 1528–1547, doi: 10.1111/jocn.13178

Jackson AC., Higgins, R.O, Frydenberg, E., Liang, R., Murphy, B.M. (2018). Parent's Perspectives on How They Cope with the Impact on Their Family of a Child with Heart Disease, Journal of Pediatric Nursing,

Jackson AC., Frydenberg E., Koey XM, Fernandez A, Higgins RO, Stanley T., Pui-Tak Liang R., LeGrande MR, Murphy, BM. Enhancing parental coping with a child’s heart condition: A co-production pilot study, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing,