To participate in this study, please click this link.
Cardiac Emotions Study
Take Part in the Cardiac Emotions Study
In the Cardiac Emotions Study, we are interested in learning more about the emotional difficulties experienced by people living with cardiac conditions. With this knowledge, we can assist patients and health professionals in identifying areas of concern for patients, and therefore help more cardiac patients in the future adjust successfully after their cardiac event or surgery.
This phase of the Cardiac Emotions Study is looking at the specific fears experienced by patients with a cardiac condition. With this knowledge, we will develop the Fear of Cardiac Recurrence or Progression Scale, a comprehensive measure of future-related fears in cardiac patients.
What am I required to do in the Cardiac Emotions Study?
You are eligible to participate in the Cardiac Emotions Study if you have ever had a heart event, such as heart attack, heart surgery or stent, or unstable angina, or have a chronic heart condition, such as heart failure or a congenital heart condition.
If you agree to participate in the Cardiac Emotions Study, you will be asked to complete a one-off online or hard-copy consent form and questionnaire, which asks some questions about yourself and a set of questions about your fears. Your responses will remain strictly confidential. The questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
How do I get involved in the Cardiac Emotions Study?
The Cardiac Emotions Study is being conducted by the Australian Centre for Heart Health and The University of Melbourne and has received ethics approval from the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee.
To complete the online questionnaire, please click this link.
If you want more information, or wish to complete a hard-copy questionnaire, please contact the Australian Centre for Heart Health on (03) 9326 8544 or Professor Alun Jackson at