Our Staff
Prof Alun C Jackson AM, MSc PhD FCSANZ FESC
Honorary Professorial Fellow, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne
Honorary Professor, Centre on Behavioural Health, Hong Kong University
Honorary Professorial Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne
Dr Barbara Murphy PhD
Associate Director
Honorary Senior Fellow, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne
Advisor, Mental Health Professional Network (MHPN)
Associate Professor Rosemary Higgins DHealthPsych
Health Psychologist
Honorary Associate Professor, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
Honorary Senior Fellow, Department of Physiotheraphy, University of Melbourne
Dr Mirella Di Benedetto, PhD, BBehSci(Psych)(Hons), BAppSci(MLS)
Senior Health Psychologist
Michael Le Grande MPH
Senior Research Fellow
Honorary Senior Fellow, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
Dr Michelle Rogerson BSc(Hons) MAppPsych (Sport) PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Patrick Fitzsimmons
Finance Manager
Emma Llewelyn BBus (HR) BComp
Business Manager
Ann Tan BA (Media and Communication)
Fundraising Co-ordinator
Honorary Positions
Professor David Thompson PhD
Honorary Professorial Fellow
Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen's University, Belfast
Professor Samuel Menahem MB BS MD Med (Melb) MPM DMedHSc (Mon) FRACP FACC FCSANZ
Honorary Professorial Fellow
Professor, School of Rural Health Gippsland, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Monash University
Principal Fellow, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne
Paediatric Cardiologist and Consultant Paediatrician, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Warragul Hospital, Wimmera Base Hospital
Cardiologist, Eastern Health
Associate Professor Chantal Ski PhD MAPS
Honorary Principal Research Fellow
Reader, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen's University, Belfast
Dr Marian Worcester PhD FCSANZ
Honorary Principal Research Fellow
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, The Alfred Centre, Monash University
Dr Joel Aizenstros MBBS (Melb) MMED (Melb) FRANZCP
Honorary Principal Research Fellow
Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director, COGNICARE
Dr Alyna Turner PhD MAPS
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
Dr Alison Beauchamp PhD
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Medicine - Western Health,
University of Melbourne Senior Lecturer,
School of Public Health, Monash University
Dr Jan Cameron PhD
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Dr Marlies Alvarenga DClinPsych MAPS MCCP
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Marlies Alvarenga is an academic and clinical psychologist with over 16 years of experience working with young people, adults and their families across community, hospital and research settings using evidence-based psychological interventions. She is an AHPRA-endorsed clinical supervisor experienced in the supervision of university students and clinicians and has provided clinical supervision for over a decade. Marlies’ main area of research interest is psychosomatic medicine, specifically cardiac neurosciences, where she has explored the link between stress, mental illness and increased risk or incidence of cardiovascular disease. She has also focused on aspects of health prevention and published Special Journal issues in these areas. Marlies’ research work contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Building Good Health and Well-Being.
Pamela Cohen
Senior Clinical Fellow
Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, St Vincent’s Clinic
Dr Donita Baird DClin Psych MAPS
Clinical Fellow